It wasn't my story to break, so I didn't let the cat out of the bag so to speak (man that's a strange expression), but since it's out there now we can all talk about it. According to Paris Pinball Addict, the theme of the next pinball machine from Barrels of Fun - maker of the new Labyrinth pin, will be...The Fifth Element!
For those of you who aren't familiar with it, The Fifth Element is a 1997 Sci-Fi movie starring Bruce Willis, Mills Jovovich, Gary Oldman and Chris Tucker. If this rumor is true, I think that it's another really smart theme choice by Barrels of Fun (BOF). It is a theme that a number of people in the pinball hobby have beeen asking for a pinball machine for for quite some time. It's also a generally well-known film that's fun and has a ton of cool creatures that BOF can work it's sculpt magic with. Yet, I don't think that it would be the most expensive property in the world to license. It would have to cost way less than something like Harry Potter or Jaws, to name two rumored upcoming blockbuster pinball titles.
For those of you who aren't really familiar with The Fifth Element, I've included the trailer for the movie and a bunch of pictures from it below. It's even available to watch in its entirety on YouTube right now via the below link.
So what does everyone think about this theme choice? I personally love it. After seeing what Barrels of Fun did with Labyrinth, I can't wait to see what they'll do with the Fifth Element!

I'M.....IN..........B I G..........TROUBLE.........if this is the case. fml. dream theme day 0.
Barrel of Fun may have chosen an all-time, bad company name, but it’s first two licenses are culturally significant. Labyrinth pinball looks cohesive and like it is fun to shoot. A little world under glass. Likewise, hopes are high for Fifth Element being equally dissected. Future licenses I hope they embrace - Princess Bride, Beetlejuice, Pee-Wee Herman, Predator and Hellboy (Perlman).
If true, I’ve got a real dilemma on my hands….I’ll need more space! I’ve wanted a Fifth Element as much as I’ve wanted Beetlejuice.