I haven't done a dedicated Stern Pinball Production update article in a while. Let's see what the World's largest pinball manufacturer is up to.
First of all, my personal Dungeons and Dragons Premium pinball machine arrived from the fine folks at MAD Pinball yesterday. I'm having an unboxing party for it tomorrow night. All remaining Dungeons and Dragons orders for all trim levels, Pro, Premium and Limited Edition are expected to be complete by the end of next week.
Stern has begun mixing in the much in demand Metallica Remastered Premium and Godzilla Pro and Premium into production. Stern also anticipates building Jaws Pro and Premium machines this month (March).
Stern has been selling down its inventory of games. It has low stock of Dungeons and Dragons Pro and does not plan to run it again in 2025. The same goes for the D&D Premium trim, no additional production for the rest of the year. That's pretty wild because according to everything I have heard the game sold well. It likely means that Stern has a lot of cool new stuff planned for the rest of the year.
Stern also has limited stock of X-Men Pro remaining and a few units of Jurassic Park Premium left with the next run scheduled for the end of the fourth quarter.
I had been expecting that we would see the next Cornerstone game from Stern Pinball, which is rumored to be a Keith Elwin-designed King Kong - Myth of Terror Island in May, but after looking at Stern's production schedule I think that it is entirely possible that we get to see the game in April.

A pic of my D&D Premium in my garage waiting to head down to the basement Knapp Arcade HQ
We have Premium and Limited in stock at TNT Amusements!