Yesterday The Pinball Network published a new episode of The Pinball Show podcast. As usual, during the show Zach Meny provided a fantastic update on Stern Pinball's production schedule. People love this info, so I have included it below for your enjoyment:
Currently Shipping: Avengers Infinity Quest Pro, Foo Fighters Pro
Next Two Weeks: Avengers Premium, Foo Fighters Premium & Godzilla Pro / Premium
August: moving to new factory during first two weeks of the month, then Jurassic Park Pro and Venom Pro for locations
September: Venom Limited Edition followed by Venom Premium
October: Deadpool Pro / Premium, small run of Foo Fighter Pro / Premium
November: Wide Open - Mystery Game???
December: James Bond Pro / Premium
2024: Star Wars and Mandalorian that were pushed back
The latest episode of TPS contained a lot of other cool information and pinball talk. Click on the link below to check it out:
The Pinball Show Episode 132: Venom Revisited & Presidential Toppers
