Now this is how you start off the new year! After months of speculation and weeks of guessing when the reveal would come, this morning Stern Pinball finally confirmed that its next cornerstone pinball machine is based on the 1975 Steven Spielberg thriller JAWS!.
Stern shared the following brief teaser on its social media and YouTube pages this morning. The Company has a booth at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Expo in Las Vegas, which takes place from January 9th through the 12th. Most assume that Stern will being JAWS! to the convention to show it off. I suspect that we will get an official trailer for the game sometime this week.
There has been chatter that not only is the new game on the assembly line at Stern Pinball's massive new factory, but that it may even already be in boxes at some distributors. I have no firsthand knowledge of either of those things, it's just the skuttlebutt that has been making the rounds.
Stern sent out an e-mail to Insider Connected subscribers in conjunction with this morning's teaser, stating that it will sell a small number of JAWS Limited Edition machines directly on its website starting on Thursday at 1:00 PM Eastern time.

Biggest non-event video ever NOTHING of value shown that wasnt already known
Well this title came out of left field!
Just received a mail from marco pinball confirming that we'll get more info about the game this week 😊
Awesome, looks like All-Access LE's staring this Thursday. Now we need to speculate on features and pricing!