On Friday afternoon, Pinball Brothers shared a brief gameplay tutorial video of its upcoming ABBA pinball machine on its Facebook page. At the time I couldn't figure out how to get it embed in an article on this site, but after some research I have solved the riddle. So...here it is. The video gives a better idea of the game's basic rules structure than we've had as well as a look at various features of and video assets in the pin.
Here's the first basic tutorial for the ABBA pinball machine!
Hopefully, this will provide some clarity for the upcoming gameplay videos.

Speaking of European Pinball companies, Pedretti gaming took to Pinside earlier today to reassure buyers of its original FunHouse 2.0 Rudy's Nightmare kits that "all the improvements and updates we are making for Remake" will also be done for buyer's of the company's conversion kits.
Furthermore, work continues on the much-requested auto-launcher kit for original FunHouse machines. The kits are being manufactured by a partner company with boards by FAST and coding already done by Pedretti.
In response to reports of some bugs in the FunHouse code, Pedretti said that the code is Version 1.0 but they are constantly working to improve it and squash bugs. Any owners who notice bugs or issues can report them using the following link:

Sadly ABBA was dead before it even launched. I love ABBA but not the game. Sadly price is too high.