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Is Stern Working on Pokémon Pinball?

Here’s a quick Saturday morning post before taking my son to get his Back to School haircut and of course the start of College Football Saturday!

There has been a lot of chatter on Pinside this week about Stern makimg a Pokémon pinball machine. Someone there claims that a Pokémon pin is coming and others chimed in that Jack Danger has said on streams that he’s trying to convince Stern to make one.

The Pokémon license is Nintendo adjacent and while Nintendo hasn’t licensed its IP for use in pinball lately, it has done so in the past AND perhaps more importantly there’s a history of digital Pokémon pinball games. Specifically, there’s been three of them…a 1999 Pokemon Pinball for the Game Boy Color in 1999, an actual Pokémon Pinball handheld game in 2001 and Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire for the Wii U (I actually have one of those consoles) in 2003.

I have no personal knowledge that a Pokemon Pinball machine is coming. I was never into the theme personally, but my boys played a bunch of Pokémon Go when they were little. I totally see how the theme could work for a pin. What do you all think? Is Pokémon a good theme for a pinball machine? Even better , have you heard any rumors that one is coming? Let’s talk!

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