This evening Joel Engleberth published a great interview with Daniel Janson, the CEO of Pinball Brothers on the Flip N Out YouTube channel. Below are some highlights that I got out of it. I have embedded the video below as well for those who are interested:
Pinball Brothers headquarters is located in Sweden. That’s where the Company is based and where design and prototyping happen. The games are manufactured at the Euro Pinball Corp. in Italy in conjunction with Pedretti Gaming.
There are themes that are sort of related to Alien that could be a possibility in the future. Hmmmmm
The Alien license extension with Disney made the addition of Sigourney Weaver aka Ripley to the game possible.
Pinball Brothers is considering doing a license extension for Queen.
Pinball Brothers reached an agreement with ABBA to produce the game two years ago.
The helicopter mech in ABBA was in the game since the beginning and the rest was developed around it.
The two ramps in ABBA were influenced by Medieval Madness.
Production of ABBA has started. The first games should begin to ship during the second half of June. Games should reach North America by July.
Pinball Brothers is looking ahead to Game 4 and Game 5. More remakes from Pedretti Gaming are coming through Euro Pinball Corp. as well.
Both ABBA and FunHouse Remake will be made at the same time on different lines at the Euro Pinball Corp. factory.
The world’s largest Licensing Trade Show kicked off at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas this morning. If anyone wants to earn some extra money following pinball company reps around and seeing who they meet with, let me know. I kid, I kid.
One company we know is definitely at this year’s event is Barrels of Fun pinball. They shared social media posts from the show today, teasing all of us with glimpses of themes like Sonic the Hedgehog, A Christmas Story, Angry Birds, Smurfs and Elden Ring.
In their posts Barrels of Fun asked followers what themes get them excited, which is pretty cool. Maybe if you go on their post and beg hard enough your dream theme will come true lol.
Speaking of Barrels of Fun, after briefly being knocked offline by power outages caused by the horrible storms that recently hit Houston, Texas their factory is already back up and churning out games again.

Also this afternoon Stern Pinball released new code for John Wick Pro pinball machines. The latest code, Version 0.81 includes the following:
This code contains numerous game enhancements including Insider Connected achievements, improved UI, Wick Rank support, enhanced Deconsecrated, Helipad Showdown, Taxicab Chase, Motorcycle Pursuit, Bagarre à L'étoile Multiballs, additional polish, game adjustments, and bug fixes.
