I love seeing pinball production numbers. Whenever I share pictures of an old Bally, Williams or Gottlieb pinball machine I always include how many were made. I just find that sort of thing absolutely fascinating. Boo too manufacturers who don't share numbers lol.
We've gotten very specific production numbers from Barrels of Fun lately. We can now add actual production numbers for Dutch Pinball into the mix. According to a post on Facebook earlier today, Dutch Pinball made 1,517 Big Lebowski pinball machines. Check out this incredible transparency:
"🎳 Happy Day of the Dude! 🎳
What better day than today to finally answer one of the most frequently asked questions: How many The Big Lebowski pinball machines have we built?
Most companies keep these numbers secret, but we’re happy to share the full breakdown:
• 5 original prototypes built at ARA
• 5 engineering samples at ARA
• 55 Early Achiever editions made by ARA
• 40 standard editions from ARA’s stock when we took over production
• 130 additional Early Achiever editions built in-house
• 15 machines built for testing and internal use
➡️ That brings the total to 1,517 TBL machines!
It’s been quite a journey, and we’re proud to have built every single one of them. A huge thanks to everyone who supported us along the way. Now, let’s raise a White Russian and celebrate The Day of the Dude! 🍸"
Kudos to you Dutch for sharing this great information.

Finally another piece of data for Pinside map extrapolation.
642 of the 1517 TBL's are registered on the Pinside map, 42%
531 out of the 750 Rick and Morty's made are on the map, 71%
So I'm guessing boutique games production #'s are about 2x what's on the map, on average? Would love to have a better idea of units sold, if you know any other confirmed production runs let me know!