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First Ever Gameplay Footage of Pinball Adventures' Second Game - Elements

This afternoon Don from Don's Pinball Podcast hopped on over to the Pinball Adventures (PA) booth at the Chicago Pinball Expo. While he was there, he captured the first video footage that I've ever personally seen of Pinball Adventures' second pinball machine, Elements.

The machine that PA brought to Expo was a prototype game that definitely seemed to have a number of issues at the moment, both software and mechanical. Having said that, I actually think that the game's general layout looks really cool. I like the aesthetics of the machine and the interesting layout, but the issues that the prototype machine and the fact that Pinball Adventures left a machine that seemed prone to breaking down completely unattended at a major pinball show would be concerning for me as a customer.

Below is the footage that Don took of the game, a number of screenshots from said video and a couple of pictures that I was able to grab off of Pinball Adventures' Instagram account. Hopefully Pinball Adventures gameplay stream of the machine after it gets all of the bugs with Elements ironed out because there's definitely some promising aspects to the game.

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1 comentário

23 de out. de 2023

This is a great example of how hard pinball is

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