After speaking with someone who had knowledge of the situation back in early May, I wrote that Stern Pinball's next Cornerstone game, which is likely Marvel's Venom, may be playable at the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con. Today we seem to have received confirmation that is indeed the case.
Earlier today, the pinball distributor Orange County Pinball sent around an e-mail saying that Stern's next game will be "playable" at San Diego Comic-Con, which is scheduled to take place July 20 - 23 ( ).
July 20th-23rd
Come visit us at Comic-Con this year to play Stern's next cornerstone game release plus the checkout the rest of the lineup!! Demo games will be sold at a discount for pickup at the conclusion of the show on Sunday evening 7/23/2023.
EDIT: Just a thought that popped into my head after seeing the above text that I italicized here to indicate that it was a quote cut and pasted everywhere without attribution (LOL). Despite the above wording, demo Venoms will not be available for sale at Comic-Con. The show games will be pre-production units with demo units of other games being available for sale from OC Pinball. These pre-production Venoms will most likely also make an appearance at California Extreme in August. Stern isn't slated to mass produce the game until September of this year.
Some of you may remember that a year ago last July there was tons of smoke that Stern Pinball was going to launch a Marvel Venom-themed pinball machine at San Diego's Comic Con. They had a big booth and autograph sessions set up with Todd MacFarlane and Ozzy Osbourbe scheduled. Then...poof nothing happened. Stern moved the launch of Venom back to get James Bond out in time for the franchise's anniversary.
It looks like we'll get that launch this year instead. I'm psyched that we are going to see a cool new game from Stern soon. More fun stuff to talk about!
A special thanks to Hadi from the Twitch Channel Frisco Pinball for the heads up about the OC e-mail.
Contrary to the recent funny rumor, I don't normally get fed special information from TPN. I wish that I did, but I get info from their public shows just like you all :)
Here's a link to the Frisco Pinball Twitch channel. Make sure to check his awesome streams out.
Stern Pinball Comic Con Venom Launch Take 2?

Thanks Hadi:)