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Writer's pictureJason

After Delay Retro Arcade Remakes Begins Shipping New Ice Cold Beer Arcade Games

After speaking with a couple of friends over the past several days and seeing people talk about it online, it appears as though the company that is remaking the fantastic classic Taito arcade machine Ice Cold Beer has finally started shipping out ordered games. Initial orders of the games were delayed by approximately three months as parts shortages in China and customs delays forced the Company to switch board suppliers. The new boards are here, customers have started receiving invoices from distributors like Cointaker and Tilt Amusements and some games have shipped.

As I understand it, the first run of the game is entirely Ice Cold Beer Remakes. Given solid demand, a second 1,000 run of games has been added for July, again mostly Ice Cold Beers, but 30% of that run will be the more family-friendly Zeke's Peak version of the game.

Initial reports indicate that the build quality for these games is really strong. I hope that they sell great. It would be cool to see more Ice Cold Beer machines out in the wild. It's a fun game. As an added bonus, if Retro Arcade Remakes does well it plans to continue remaking more arcade classics, like the Warlords cocktail table that it is working on.

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