Today is the notoriously spooky day Friday the 13th. What better way to kick it off than by taking a look at a brand new personal homebrew pinball machine based on the scary movie franchise by the name?
A new video of the awesome-looking home brew Friday the 13th pinball machine was uploaded to YouTube a few minutes ago. I have embedded it below. The machine looks fantastic.
Here's a few details on the machine:
- 10 movie modes
- 2 mini-wizard modes
- 4 unique multiballs
- RGB LED lighting
- 7 Drop Targets
- 8 Standup Targets
- 2 Kickbacks
- Stereo Sound
- Shaker Motor
- Knocker
- Player Selectable 3D Gameplay
- Spinning Disc
- Pop-Up Jason Target
- Moving Pamela Vorhees Head Mech
- Callouts from real actors from the movies
Friday the 13th pinball coming to Texas Pinball Fest, March 15-17, 2024.
Become Jason Voorhees, slay camp counselors and use every weapon at your disposal to fight through all 12 franchise movies toward the ultimate showdown with Freddy Krueger.
Featuring original playfield art, original NES-inspired synth music and custom callouts by Kane Hodder, CJ Graham, Ari Lehman, Lauren-Marie Taylor, Amy Steel and Adrienne King.
Also features ten movie modes with Final Girl modes, two mini-wizard modes, four unique multiballs, all RGB GI and insert lighting, seven drop targets, eight standup targets, two kickbacks, stereo sound, shaker, knocker and player selectable 3-D gameplay.
Free to play at Texas Pinball Fest '24.
Wow this machine looks amazing! This projected started out about a year ago with a dedicated thread on Pinside. Below is a link to the discussion for anyone who wants to check out its history or give kudos to the maker for their incredible work.
